Knight Creek is situated on the north side of the Nechako River downstream from the community of Vanderhoof. Knight Creek flows through forest and agricultural lands. Much of the area along Knight Creek has been logged and/or cleared for agricultural purposes over the last century... [more]
Goldie Creek is a tributary of Stoney Creek which is a tributary of the Nechako River. Like Stoney Creek, Goldie Creek has been severely impacted by historical land use practices, including agriculture. The area which proposed intense restoration activities occurred was historically impacted... [more]
Twin creek is known to have chinook salmon rear with in it’s lower reaches. This crossing had three undersized and damaged culverts which where barriers to fish at high and low water... [more]
Greer Creek is a tributary of the Nechako River and is an important stream for salmon spawning and rearing. Much of the area along Greer Creek has been logged and/or cleared for agricultural purposes over the last century... [more]
Tritt Creek is a tributary of Chilco Creek which is a tributary of the Nechako River. This traditional crossing for agricultural access has been forded for many of years... [more]